dirty monkey is all about fun!
Dirty monkey is a delicious combination of peanut butter, bananas, and real whiskey. Our carefree attitude and one of a kind taste will have your taste buds swinging with delight
our whiskey is Inspired by the original “Dirty Monkey” cocktail – a tropical beachfront cocktail made with banana and peanut butter and best enjoyed in places where you don’t have a care in the world.
We took the same carefree attitude, added a dash of Monkey-Business and created a FUN, delicious, free-spirited flavored whiskey.
so, grab a bottle and your friends, raise a glass and toast your troop!

Dirty Monkey knows that a day without whiskey is like a day without sunshine. or a day without bananas. are you looking to grab a bottle of dirty monkey banana peanut butter whiskey to toast your troop? well, look no further - smash the link below to find dirty monkey near you!